Studio Update

Dear Clients,

We are sure you are missing the studio as much as we are and hope you are able to incorporate some movement into your daily routine. As the days begin to blur into one another it is important to keep moving. In addition to making the return to Pilates classes easier, movement helps generate the happy hormones we all need so much right now!

Sadly, it looks like our temporary shutdown is going to be extended for the foreseeable future. We are still planning to re-open when it is safe to do so. There will likely be some changes to the way we run classes which will be announced closer to re-opening. We hope everyone is looking forward to getting back to the studio as much as we are.

Unfortunately, online classes through the studio is not really an option for us to offer. However, for those interested in online mat classes we recommend Embody Pilatesdaily live stream classes at 10:00 through Zoom for a drop-in rate of $10/class + GST. While it is not the same as being in the studio, Embody Pilates, located in Canmore, is an excellent Alberta classical Pilates studio and Bonny-Lynn Russell is an amazing instructor. 

If you are interested in classes you can sign-up on-line at or by emailing

We miss you! Be well, stay safe and we look forward to seeing you in the future!

Happy Easter,

Your Pilates Team at OpenSpace